Frequently Asked Questions

What's a "CSA"?

Our CSA farm box is a wonderful opportunity to experience true seasonal eating while supporting your local food system and farmers. CSA stands for “Community Supported Agriculture”. It’s a partnership between a farm and its community. Members have the opportunity to support the farm early in the season when there are no vegetables to sell, which the farm then uses to purchase seeds, tools, and supplies. In return, members share in the bounty of the farm’s seasonal harvests and receive the highest quality produce the farm can offer.

When does the CSA typically start?

The summer share for 2025 starts in Late May/Early June and goes through the end of September.

Which CSA share size is right for me?

A small CSA share box will typically feed a 1-3 veggie loving individuals. It is $540 ($30/week for 18 weeks from June through September) for 6-8 items per box.

A large CSA share box will typically feed a 3-5 veggie loving individuals. It is $720 ($40/week for 18 weeks from June through September) for 8-10 items per box.

What comes in my box each week?

Small Box - A sample box may include:

June: 1 container of arugula, 1 head of lettuce, 1 bunch of radishes, 1 head of radicchio, 1 bunch of turnips, 1 head of bok choi, I pint of peas, 1 bunch kale

July: 1 container of Italian loose leaf lettuce, 1 bunch of swiss chard, 1 bunch of carrots, 1 bulb fennel, 1 quart of green beans, 1 bunch of scallions, 1 bunch of beets, broccoli, 1 pint of strawberries

August: 1 pint of cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, 1 bunch of Italian basil, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 head of escarole, sweet peppers, Italian eggplant, cucumbers

September: Leeks, garlic, 1 head of cabbage, I winter squash, I head of radicchio, 1 head of endive, red onion, shallots

Large Box - A sample box may include:

June: 1 container of arugula, 2 heads of lettuce, 1 bunch of radishes, 1 head of radicchio, 1 bunch of turnips, 1 head of bok choi, 2 pints of peas, 1 bunch kale

July: 1 container of Italian loose leaf lettuce, 1 bunch of swiss chard, 1 bunch of carrots, 1 bulb fennel, 1 quart of green beans, 2 bunches of scallions, 1 bunch of beets, broccoli, I pint of strawberries

August: 2 pints of cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, 1 bunch of Italian basil, 1 bunch of parsley, 2 heads of escarole, sweet peppers, Italian eggplant, cucumbers

September: Leeks, garlic, 1 bunch of kale, 1 head of cabbage, 2 winter squash, 1 head of radicchio, 1 head of endive, red onion, shallots

Do you offer add-ons with your CSA?

Yes! We currently offer pasture-raised (completely free range) chicken eggs to add to your CSA share each week. We hope you’re just as excited about bright orange, nutrient-dense yolks are we are!

What if I don't know how to cook a certain vegetable?

Along with your box each week, you will receive an emailed newsletter with recipes and meal preparation ideas to help you along the way. For us, cooking up the harvest is almost as exciting as growing it for you all, so feel free to ask us about recipes as well!

Are your vegetables organic?

As farmers with a background in sustainability studies, we know all too well how mass-produced organically grown food still allows for the use of organically approved pesticides. As Eliot Coleman put it so well, “Organic” is now dead as a meaningful symbol for the highest quality food.

We started this farm as a means to provide food for our own family and take painstaking measures to ensure that our food is not only nutrient-dense, but that it is beyond organically grown by taking steps to improve the soil as we work it.

What that means is: We use cover crops to bring nutrients back into the soil, plant habitat for pollinators, rotate our crops maintain biological diversity, use only the best and tested compost (Vermont Compost), give our plants compost tea and kelp to keep them strong and able to ward off pests, and so much more.

In short, yes, our vegetables are “organic”, but more than that, they are authentic, full of nutrients, safe, clean, and deeply nourishing.

Can I pay in installments?

It is a big help to the farm at the beginning of the season, but you can choose to pay in installments. If you would like to pay in installments, please email us at

What if I am on vacation?

Please arrange to have a family member or friend pickup your share in your place. We can also donate your share to the local food pantry. If you plan on going on vacation often during the growing season, consider visiting our farmstand for your weekly veggies instead.

What if I can’t pick up my share on time?

We urge members to pick up on their assigned pick-up day and offer pick-up at your convenience from 7am to 7pm so you can pick up your share at a time of the day that works best for you.

If you are unable to pick up your share on your assigned day one week, you may pick it up the next morning. If you have not picked up your share by the afternoon of the following day, your share will be donated in order to preserve the freshness of the vegetables for donation.

 Do you accept barters as a form of payment for a CSA?

As a small business and family-run farm we love supporting other small businesses and folks in our community. If you are interested in discussing a barter with us, please contact us, we'd love to chat with you.